Nodefs/promisescpfunction cpunstable#cp(source: string | URL,destination: string | URL,opts?: CopyOptions,): Promise<void>Asynchronously copies the entire directory structure from src to dest, including subdirectories and files. When copying a directory to another directory, globs are not supported and behavior is similar to cp dir1/ dir2/. Parameters ##source: string | URL#destination: string | URLoptional#opts: CopyOptionsReturn Type #Promise<void>Fulfills with undefined upon success.
function cpunstable#cp(source: string | URL,destination: string | URL,opts?: CopyOptions,): Promise<void>Asynchronously copies the entire directory structure from src to dest, including subdirectories and files. When copying a directory to another directory, globs are not supported and behavior is similar to cp dir1/ dir2/. Parameters ##source: string | URL#destination: string | URLoptional#opts: CopyOptionsReturn Type #Promise<void>Fulfills with undefined upon success.