
Requires await is not used in a for loop body.

Async and await are used in Javascript to provide parallel execution. If each element in the for loop is waited upon using await, then this negates the benefits of using async/await as no more elements in the loop can be processed until the current element finishes.

A common solution is to refactor the code to run the loop body asynchronously and capture the promises generated. After the loop finishes you can then await all the promises at once.


async function doSomething(items) {
  const results = [];
  for (const item of items) {
    // Each item in the array blocks on the previous one finishing
    results.push(await someAsyncProcessing(item));
  return processResults(results);


async function doSomething(items) {
  const results = [];
  for (const item of items) {
    // Kick off all item processing asynchronously...
  // ...and then await their completion after the loop
  return processResults(await Promise.all(results));

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